Scientific publications

Published in 2024

  • Coll-Planas, L., Carbó-Cardeña, A., Jansson, A., Dostálová, V., Bartova, A., Rautiainen, L., Kolster, A., Masó-Aguado, M., Briones-Buixassa, L., Blancafort-Alias, S., Roqué-Figuls, M., Sachs, A. L., Casajuana, C., Siebert, U., Rochau, U., Puntscher, S., Holmerová, I., Pitkälä, K. H., Litt, J. S. (2024)  Nature-based social interventions to address loneliness among vulnerable populations: a common study protocol for three related randomized controlled trials in Barcelona, Helsinki, and Prague within the RECETAS European project. BMC Public Health 24, 172.

  •  Tate, W., Sachs, AL, Litt, JS., Razani, N., Chawla, L. (2024). Nature Prescribing or Nature Programming? Complementary Practices to Increase Time in Nature to Support Mental Health. Ecopsychology (In Press).

  • Sachs, A. L., Kolster, A., Wrigley, J., Papon, V., Opacin, N., Hill, N., Howarth, M., Rochau, U., Hidalgo, L., Casajuana, C., Siebert, U., Gerhard, J., Daher, C., Litt, J. C.,  (2024). Connecting through nature: A systematic review of the effectiveness of nature-based social prescribing practices to combat loneliness. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 248; DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105071

Published in 2023

  • Litt, J. S., Coll-Planas, L., Sachs, A. L., Rochau, U., Jansson, A., Dostálová, V., Daher, C., Beacom, A., Bachinski, K., Garcia-Velez, G., Bekessy, S., Blancafort-Alias, S., Hill, N., Gascón, M., Bartova, A., Cattaneo, L., Cucchiaro, A., Casajuana Kögel, C., Opacin, N., Colom, J., Gentile, S., Holmerová, I., Johnson, K., Kimberlee, R., Siebert, U., Varda, D., Pitkälä, K. H. (2024). Nature-based social interventions for people experiencing loneliness: the rationale and overview of the RECETAS project. Cities & Health, 1–14. 
  • Litt, JS., Coll-Planas, L., Sachs, A., Masó Aguado, M., Howarth, M., (2023).
    Current Trends and Future Directions in Urban Social Prescribing,
    Current Environmental Health Reports,
  • Celia Santos-Tapia, Laura Hidalgo, Pol Jimenez-Arenas, Cristina Casajuana, Sara Domènech, Aida Ballester-Lledó, Jill Litt, Ashby Sachs, Gabriela Garcia, Sergi Blancafort-Alias,
    Co-Creating a Nature-Based Social Prescription Intervention in Urban Socioeconomically Deprived Neighbourhoods: A Case Study from RECETAS Project in Barcelona, Spain
    , Health & Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, Article ID 6616991, 16 pages, 2023.
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